Sunday, April 10, 2011

Focus on Loyal customers.. not "Likes/Followers"

Social networking although mastered by some on an individual still has much room for growth especially with business owners trying to keep up with the advances in technology and with the new networks that are popping up every few months like: Ning, Tagged, and Myyearbook.

So how can Marketers connect? Easy, by making their consumers feel valued and special! Why can’t they grasp this concept? Its not about likes/followers, this is just something people do because they are bored. News alert! 1 like does not equal $1 deposited into your bank account.

I completely agree with Miyazaki states “having a much smaller, but truly connected group of people is much more valuable than a larger, unconnected group.” This same concept can also apply to friendships having a small group of connected friends is better for many that have a large group of unconnected friends.

So what can companies to do to build loyalty and truly have “followers”?

1: Listen to your employees: You hired them for a reason! They are on the front lines; they see, speak, and mingle with your customer’s base on a daily basis. They know what works and what needs improvement. Utilize these valuable resources at your disposal.

2: Real Customer Service! Not an automated machine that asks me to repeat commands and refuses to interpret my answers. This will create annoyance, raise blood pressure, and lead to customer loss. Also hint: Yes we know that many companies outsource their customer service to India and other middle eastern countries, but do you think that you can hire some reps that speak English!!! (Of course I am speaking on my behalf since English is my first language) It is very frustrating not being able to communicate with the agent on the other line. In addition, hire real customer service agents! Employees that have the customer in mind and understand what its like to be in our shoes; someone with patience and is able to educate without being arrogant, true problem solvers. The economy is bad and the unemployment rate is still pretty up there, many qualified people this experience are sitting home twiddling their fingers, find them, spend more time on recruiting. Its an investment, companies with employees that are valuable have higher rates of consumer satisfaction!

2: Waive company policy “at times”: Loyal customers should be given an extension on a payment if they pay on time every month. They should be allowed 1 overdraft fee removal if for some reason they miscalculate their budget one month etc.

Offer a variety of discounts: I understand the importance of creating a customer base and attracting new customers, but I see that too many customers companies forget about their loyal customers. WE WANT DISCOUNTS TOO!

It would be nice if companies would provide discounts for the “loyal followers” not only to the people that select “like” because it adds to the personality of their profiles. I'd like to know how many users actually “follow” all of their likes, and keep up with all of the news/updates that are reported?

The point of my rant is that you will need to use social media in order to keep up with this generation of consumers. They are impatient and want things done efficiently and with a smile. Choose the best social media platform that best suits your business and don't forget to acknowledge loyal customers and forgive them from time to time. It is much more expensive to find a new customer than retain a current one.

1 comment:

  1. You raise some interesting points regarding how marketers could show that they make their customers feel valued. In fact, several companies are now letting their social media followers in on early product releases and special discounts.

    I would just add to your points that business owners should use social media simply as an introduction. The goal should be do bring the relationship over to a company controlled asset; like a blog or company website.
